Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dominic & Jocelyn

DominicsMom contributes this story that she sent me:

I taped a little of Dominic laughing at Jocelyn while she was having tummy time...He is sitting/laying on the bed looking right into her face and he is laughing pretty hard. He is completely interested in her as long as her eyes are open. He even wanted to hold her again…of course I was alone, so no pictures. Dominic also has a good gag reflex. He saw Jocelyn with a little spit-up on her face before my mom or I could get to her and Dominic looked and started gagging. Then it happened again. She just had a little bit in the corner of her mouth and when he went up to her, he gagged again. My mom and I were laughing so hard. I wish I could get that on tape!!!

That had me laughing pretty hard, hopefully she can continue sending more stories! When the baby settles into a schedule she will be able send more.

Today we had a good, strong rain in Djibouti. We actually had some pretty good sized puddles on base and everything got washed down. The base really needed it...but soon the sun came out and the humidity increased from 95% to 145%. Temperatures here have not been too bad, hovering in the mid-80's all week. I have to try to run very early or after the sun goes down as I am not ready to run in the mid-day heat. There are always a few brave souls out running at noon, they must have some camel in their blood.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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