Monday, March 13, 2006

Pictures From Aunt Laurie

DominicsAunt Laurie took a lot of pictures when she visited back in February. She showed up a few days early, surprising Deanna at her baby shower. Many thanks to Laurie for sending us the photos that she took with her kick @zz camera. It takes really good pictures! If I could only share them with you (I'm working on it!)

Before I left, we were taking all the old baby gear out of the garage and setting it up for Jocelyn. One of the items was the baby vibrating chair. This particular one had a underwater theme with fish and bubbles. Dominic must have remembered it subconsciously, because he had to try it out. It makes one of the funnier pictures that Laurie took with Dominic sitting in the chair, very obviously not fitting, sucking on his pacifier. She captioned it something like, "Feeling a bit insecure are we?" We sometimes couldn't put the baby in there because Dominic was always in it. One time he crawled in, leaned back and the whole thing rolled over on top of him. We were all very concerned of course, but it was the funniest thing that I saw all day... It does have a large warning label saying for 15 pounds only. Dominic weighs over twice that and the whole frame bends in a pretty crazy way.

Laurie also took some cute pictures of Dominic showing Jocelyn the fish and then him giving her a soft kiss. I'm not sure at what point the older kids begin to pinch the baby behind Mom's back, but hopefully he won't!


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