Saturday, March 11, 2006

More Tales from DJ

The Marines are learning their duties and how to put up with the heat and humidity. The unit we are replacing is pretty happy to be leaving soon as they only have a few more days until their big day. Today we held a small ceremony to herald the change of responsibility between my unit and the one we are replacing. Our Marines are running everything while the other unit's Marines shadow us and make sure we execute our duties correctly.

Our Marines can't wait for them to leave because we want their quarters. Their tents are better than ours as wood partitions separate each bunk, providing some privacy. Each partition also has a locker or desk or some other furniture to make things more livable. I will be getting a CLU, think a small box turned into a spartan apartment, but it has its own head (bathroom), so it is definitely a step up. There are only a limited number of these available and are a hot commodity among the officers and senior enlisted on base. I feel fortunate to get one.

I've managed to give Dominic and DominicsMom a couple of phone calls. Dominic was put on the phone and he was going "Daddy Daddy! Daddy Daddy!" Poor DominicsMom cried the whole while the first time I called. Dominic was excited for a bit, but went back to watching his video. His new favorite is The Lady and the Tramp, a Disney movie with dogs. DominicsMom reports that Jocelyn is doing well, she is eating well and starting to gain weight. She's actually sleeping a decent amount each night, allowing for some sleep. Hopefully I don't jinx it!

I've been having trouble posting photos, hopefully I'll get it fixed soon. Once we finish our turn-over with the other unit and I have the office all too myself, I should be able to make some calls out to folks.

DominicsDad in Djibouti


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