Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Stories of D & J

Some more stories from DominicsMom:

Dominic got his hair cut today [Tuesday, 4/4]. He moved around in the seat quite a bit but the girl did a good job. I took him to Bambino’s again. He was very good. He still won’t let Jocelyn sit in HIS swing. But he does know her name. If I ask what the baby’s name is, he says “Joss”. Its so cute. And he is pretty interested in her. He always comes up to her when I am burping her…probably because she is usually awake then.

Dominic also says Thank you. But a lot of times he says, “Thank you welcome”. Now that is really cute. I will try to get it on video. I also weighed Jocelyn the other day: 12 pounds!

Thanks DominicsMom!


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