Saturday, April 15, 2006

More from Djibouti

Time has been flying lately and the weeks rolling by. About 22 more haircuts and I will be home. I've been staying busy, beyond the normal admin work required to keep the Company running. The XO and I took a trip down south to check out the patrol area. We stopped by the Cheetah preserve and took a couple of photos. We didn't go in, so no photos of cheetahs, just a couple of gazelles.

Another enjoyable task is promoting Marines. This month we actually had quite a lot of Marines get promoted to Corporal and Sergeant.

The Company also has a web site up and it contains (or will, there isn't a lot in it yet) photos, letters to the Key Volunteer Network, and updates on what the Company is doing:

I encourage everyone to check it out.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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