Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Volleyball vs the DJ Air Force

Yesterday we invited the Djiboutian Air Force on base for a friendly game of volleyball. The Camp has a very recently completed volley ball court, with a very nice sand court and some bleachers, all protected by the sun by a roof.

We have been playing steadily for the last three weeks and so were pretty confident going into the game. When the Djiboutians got off the bus, we all said, "Uh-oh." They all had on team jerseys...We had already warmed up so we let them have the court while they went through some drills. "Uh-oh, they look good."

We played a decent game, but they definitely outplayed us, taking 3 games to 1. They actually ran plays, fake blocked at the net, and did all the things that a good volleyball team does. We struggled to set the ball properly and never really got a good offense going. But it was a good time had by all and we all got to meet them in a social setting. We patrol with them around the Camp several times a week and hopefully this game will foster a closer cooperation with them. So all in all, it was a good couple hours spent (and it kept me out of the office.)

Here are some photos. In the first one I am watching the serve.

Here I am watching one of our Staff Sergeants smash the ball.

I promise, I was able to contribute a lot!

Tonight, we had another game against HOA J-4. We actually won this match and I did really well, spiking a number of balls, making some good sets, and saving a couple of tough balls. So I was very happy with my performance.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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6/09/2006 12:50 AM  
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7/22/2006 1:05 AM  

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