Tuesday, April 25, 2006

DV Visit

Last week we had a Distinguished Visitor, the Secretary of the Navy the Honorable Donald Winters came to Camp Lemonier for a visit. As part of his tour of the Camp, he came up to the Company office and talked to the Marines on-duty. I was introduced to him and I gave him a quick background sketch on the Company and our mission. He talked to the Marines for about 15 minutes and then held a brief question & answer session. Before he left he even signed his autograph for a couple of the Marines.

From our office, he went to the New Cantina to give a talk to all the Servicemembers on the Camp. After he finished, he answered some questions and then we began the promotion ceremony. He promoted two of our Marines, one to Sergeant and one to Corporal. Since they were my Marines, I and the Company First Sergeant were up on stage with him to assist in promoting the Marines. It was very motivating helping with this. At the conclusion, he gave each Marine one of his personal challenge coins. Once this was complete I assisted the SecNav with the reenlistment of a Navy sailor. The sailor wasn't part of my command, but we did not want to muck up the ceremony with too many people marching on and off the stage, so I got to stay up there and assist again. Once it was complete, the 1stSgt and I executed a perfectly timed about face and marched off the stage. I was told that we looked good... Afterwards he remarked to the Camp Commander that the Marines impressed him and that they were doing a great job. The word is that he is not lavish with his praise so I was very pleased with this and passed it on to the Marines.

Here is a photo of the SecNav talking to the Marines in the Company area. Yep, that's me looking on in the background.

Several Marines took pictures of the promotion ceremony and I'll try to get a copy and post it here a little later.

While you wait for the other photo, here is a moto photo of the Marines conducting an Enhanced Marksmanship Program exercise on a Djiboutian range. The Marine in the foreground is shooting the (relatively) new M-4 Carbine, which is a shortened version of the M16 rifle. The Marine Corps has also upgraded from the M-16A2 to the M-16A4 service rifle, which you can see in the background.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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6/09/2006 12:50 AM  

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