Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mis-Adventures of a New Daddy

DominicsUncle Lee & DominicsAunt Rebecca recently were blessed with DominicsCousin Cole. As with all new Dads, DominicsUncle Lee had to make some adjustments. Here are a couple of stories that DominicsAunt Rebecca relates about his trials and tribulations:

I hope you're doing well! I thought you might enjoy Lee's recent mis-adventure in cognitive processing...
Background: Our kitchen is directly beneath our bedroom and sound travels upstairs quite clearly. Since I try to get back to sleep after feeding the baby in the mornings, Lee is normally careful to be quiet.

The incident: I was awoken one morning by the sound of Lee's voice in what sounded like a fast-paced conversation of 5 minutes of non-stop talking. When he came back to the bedroom to finish dressing, I asked if he'd been on the phone. He looked sheepish, then confessed that he'd been looking for a coffee mug. Rather than simply look for the mug, he decided to beckon it by opening every cupboard in the house and call out "Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa.... Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa?"

Typical DominicsUncle Lee! But it does make sense, if you call to it, it will hear you and reply....

Here is another:

Lee's been pretty coherent for a couple weeks, so I haven't had a follow up to my "Lee's Brain Freeze of the Week" series. But he ventured into bonehead territory again this weekend. After watching Cole for a marathon 1 hour on Sunday while I worked out, I came up to check on them. He offered "I can watch him for you for awhile longer if you want to shower."

(For the un-indoctrinated into parenthood, "for you" is code for "watching this child is really your responsibility, but I will generously sacrifice some more of my Playstation time if you want to pretend to have a life for another 15 minutes.")

Poor guy, hopefully he will learn quickly! DominicsUncle Andy and DominicsAunt Laurie are expecting their first baby! We are all very excited for them, both as they get ready to come home from Norway and also for the baby! Of course, this means that DominicsUncle Andy will have the opportunity for a few of his own "Mis"-Adventures.

As a side note, Playstation and similar consoles are very deadly. The Exchange out here in Djibouti actually had 6 of them for sale the other day (they disappeared within 2 days). I was very, very, very tempted. The Marines have several of them here and I've spent a bit of time in the MWR playing Ghost Recon (we consider it Professional Military Education as four of us get together on one machine and practice our Fire Team tactics, coordination, and other skills. No, really, we have to practice to stay current...) Anyways, I knew that if I did buy it and then brought it home, it would be nothing but I resisted the temptation. DominicsMom was very happy that I did!

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

6/09/2006 12:50 AM  

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