Monday, June 05, 2006

Another Story

DominicsMom sent me this e-mail last night:

There is so much little stuff that I keep forgetting to tell you over the phone. Like how Dominic keeps scraping himself up!! He has a big scrape on his elbow, knee, nose and upper lip. He has a cut on his lip, too (he fell off the swing!). I also bought him swim trunks with fish on them. He loves them and wants to wear them everyday…I have to hide them. As soon as he sees them, he wants them on and won’t even let me change his diaper for fear that I will take them off and leave them off!!! He’s funny.

Ahh, little boys!

Today I go for my first scuba dive! I recently completed the classes and spent some time in the Camp's swimming pool learning all the necessary techniques. I'll post some pictures soon!

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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