Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pic of Jocelyn

Earlier this summer Jocelyn sat for her first (I think) formal portrait. She is a real little cutie! DominicsMom has more of Jocelyn and Dominic.

Jocelyn is doing well, she is trying to roll over and is getting closer and closer. She still loves to watch Dominic as he plays near her. They both make each other giggle and laugh and he continues to be very protective of her.

DominicsMom told me a story the other day. She had an old friend over who has a little boy of her own, about Dominic's age. The boy became interested in some of Jocelyn's toys and began to play with them. Dominic saw this, marched over, took the toy away from the other boy, said "No, Joce's!" and proceeded to give the toy to Jocelyn. He repeated this when the other child took up another toy. Needless to say, DominicsMom was horrified (and gratified), thankfully her friend thought it funny and cute and was not mad. Dominic is very protective of his his little sister, just like an older brother should be!

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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