Monday, July 31, 2006

The Lounge, Some Unfortunate Tidings

I have some bad news to pass on. About 2 weeks ago, the blender that featured so prominently in a prior post about the XO's lounge, has passed on to that great kitchen gadget graveyard. In the middle of making another one of the XO's great smoothies, the engine belched some white smoke and expired. All attempts to take it apart, find the fault, and fix said fault were inconclusive, the blender refused to function (although the XO did get a small shock at one point - never poke around inside an electric device that is still plugged in.)

A great depression sank over the lounge, there was ice cream in our freezer, ice in the tray, and all sorts of fruit, just waiting to become a smoothie. But alas, no more...

Good news, the blender is still under the manufacturer's warrenty so all the XO needs to do is mail it out and he will receive a replacement. We should receive it about 3 weeks after we return home.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dominics Dad! An Uncle in Redding salutes you for your dedication to America and your family! We love you and are looking forward to seeing you soon!

8/15/2006 8:31 PM  

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