Friday, May 02, 2008


The other day, DominicsMom asked Jocelyn, "Are you my pretty girl?"

Joss replied, "Noooo!"

DominicsMom asked again, "Are you my pretty girl?"

"Boy!" Joss insisted.

"You are my little girl!"

"No. Boy!"

Oh brother! I'm in trouble!


Jocelyn loves to wrestle and run around. She has taken to climbing anything and everything and is doing so at a much younger age than Dominic. We've recently caught her climbing onto the coffee table and then jumping over to the couch, landing with a big belly flop onto the cushions. We've scolded her a couple of times, but she just smiles and laughs...

The other day DominicsMom picked her up from day care. Her teacher told DominicsMom that Joss had been naughty. She was climbing onto the chairs (the small kid-sized ones) and then jumping off of them. She didn't get a sticker that day...


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