Monday, April 07, 2008

Another Visit to SeaWorld

The other week was Cesar Chavez Day and the kid's day school was closed, so I had them for the day (and I received a lot of good-natured ribbing from work about my 'holiday'.) I knew that I needed to get the kids out of the house, so I took them to SeaWorld San Diego. Both Dominic and Jocelyn were very excited.

We started the day at the dolphin pool and both kids had the opportunity to feed and pet (well, Joss tried but her arms were too short and I couldn't get her closer as I also had to hold Dominic.)

After the dolphins, we headed over to the Shark Encounter exhibit, just as a show let out. Yay! I had to opportunity to chase Dominic as he dodged and weaved from pool to pool through the crowd. Fun fun!! Dominic loves sharks and he had a great time. I had to keep him from reaching into one of the smaller pools and trying to pet the sharks there...

I believe these are a bunch of lemon sharks.

Joss mugs infront of a shark pool.

Dominic checks out a shark.

After the sharks, we wandered over to the Arctic Adventure, which we had never seen before. Inside we saw a 'baby' beluga whale, a sleeping polar bear (which Dominic really wanted to see), and a couple of huuuuuge walrus's.
Dominic looks at a beluga whale.

A beluga whale swims by:

Joss makes a funny face.

The kids had a great time, as did I. We didn't make any shows, but we did see a lot! Dominic and Joss also were able to meet the Budweiser Dalmation, Ringo!



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