Sunday, April 13, 2008


Dominic sometimes likes to pretend he is animal. We've seen kittens (of course), sea turtles (ok, a little wierd, but he likes sea turtles for some reason), and pelicans. Not really sure where he got the last one, but it is probably from the Pixar movie Finding Nemo. Anyways, here's a quick video of Dominic at the dinner table, flapping his arms and pretending to be a pelican. He is eating grapes and pretending that they are fish. He has just eaten a bunch of the grapes as the video starts. Part way through the video, I ask him why he hasn't eaten the two fish on his placemat. His answer is a bit hard to hear, but the two 'fish' are Dory and Nemo... Of course he can't eat THEM!

What a nut!



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