Homecoming Notes & Conspiracies
We found out Deanna was pregnant with Dominic after I had already left California for Kuwait in Feb 2003. She was pregnant while I was gone and so I was not there to help her with the midnight ice cream feedings and funny hormonal changes. I left for Iraq 16 Feb 2003 and came back home on 13 Sept 2003. Dominic was born on 14 Sept 2003, the day after I came home (ok, he was a bit premature, but its still a cool story to tell.)
I found out that I would be mobilized again in October 2005 and DominicsMom was about 5 months pregnant with Jocelyn. Jocelyn was born in late February, about 10 days before I deployed for Djibouti. I missed almost all of the midnight feedings and a gazillion (according to DominicsMom) diaper changes. I arrived home 6 months later on 14 Sept 2006, Dominic's birthday and 3 years and 1 day to the day I came home from Iraq.
Some people may call this a coincidence, I think it is a giant plot. I also think that the mefloquinine that we were given in Africa to prevent malaria has some funny side effects as our bodies slowly detox (they gave us some funny pink pills to take to help us detox, but I think they are just some Motrin pills.)
Oh yeah, we had decided that Jocelyn will be our last child. DominicsMom has decided that because I get mobilized and deployed overseas every time she gets pregnant, we will not have another baby!
Ok, here are some recent pictures of Dominic & Jocelyn at the UTC Mall:

The little guy loves to run around in the fountain and climb on the (fake) rocks in the center. I was not able to stop him in time from taking a drink (probably because I was too busy taking the photo. ) I kept him from drinking any more however. He ran around with a couple of other kids. This is not Dominic's first encounter with the fountain. He had a good time last August also. Having some experience with this, I had a complete change of clothing ready when he finished.
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