Sunday, August 28, 2005

Busy Day

Saturday, 27 August was a busy day for Dominic. We started off with an appointment to have his hair cut. He had his first haircut at a barber shop in mid-June and his hair was starting to cover his eyes again. The barbershop, Bambinos Salon for Kids did a pretty good job the first time. They were certainly set up for kids with a small play area, PlayStation consoles, and several barber's chairs that were actually little cars. Dominic loved it. Only problem was, they were expensive!

So a few weeks ago when his hair first started to bother him, I took the liberty of cutting his bangs for him. He loved it, DominicsMom did not as it was a little crooked. So I tried again. This time, I managed to get a hairstyle resembling the one Jim Carrey wore in 'Dumb & Dumber'. DominicsMom was less pleased... (But a lot of people thought he looked cute. I liked it and I temporarily saved almost $20!) To see what it looked like, check out here. Here's another:

So Saturday morning, DominicsDad, DominicsMom, Nana, & Dominic all set out to Bambinos. He had a great time and he really had fun in his chair. Here's a picture:

Once we finished emptying my wallet, we all drove down to the UTC Mall. Dominic got to ride the train with Nana:

Then he went to explore the fountain. He got soaked! Good thing DominicsMom found some clothes that she liked and was in a good mood, otherwise DominicsDad would have been in trouble again! Anyways, he had a great time, playing with half a dozen other kids in the fountain. Imagine, 6 toddlers running around, getting soaked, all with waterlogged diapers about to fall off...Dominic fit right in.

Dominic's Dad

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Its legs & butt.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Nana Arrives

My Mom arrived for a visit and brought Dominic a gift. She brought him a shiny new tractor and he immediately began saying 'tractor'. He loved it and did not want to go to bed, he wanted to keep playing with it!

Soon after he received his tractor, he retired to one of his favorite playing spots, under the coffee table. Only in the last 3 weeks has he started to play under the table as an everyday event.

Whups, Dominic's Mom just received her Pampered Chef shipment, so I am going to cut this short and help her sort everything.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

To the Wild Animal Park

Today Dominic's Mom took Dominic to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. She met our good friends Erika R. and Dierdre H. Erika brought her two children, Matt & Jenny while Dierdre brought Owen. Dominic ran around and around with Matt & Jenny, he had a grand time! Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures, but hopefully I can get some.

Here are some pictures from an earlier visit this summer:

Monday, August 22, 2005

Dominic & Thomas the Tank Engine

Dominic, like many other young boys, likes trains in general, but is very much enthralled by Thomas the Tank Engine. He has a couple of the Thomas trains:
& Salty
He also has a Thomas video. We occasionally let him chose which video he wants to watch. His old favorites were either Bear in the Big Blue House or Booh-Bah. Now, he lets us know which one he wants by doing his "whooo! whooo!" train whistle imitation. When we tell him we are leaving and going "bye-bye car," he has started to run back into the house to grab a toy to take with him. Invariably, its Thomas!

Dominic and his various Thomas toys.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

First Post - Dominic is almost 2!

Welcome to Dominic's Dad's blog!

This blog is in honor of my son Dominic, who will turn two in just under a month. This will mostly be about him, his antics, and efforts to drive his mom nuts. I will feature a lot of photos of Dominic, maybe some short videos, and hopefully some funny stories.

Here's Nana enjoying a nap with Dominic back in June.


Dominic's Dad

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