Sunday, August 27, 2006

More PSC Articles

The playground project was written up by the CJTF-HOA Public Affairs Office:

Volunteers build playground, bring joy to village schoolchildren
Story by CJTF-HOA Public Affairs

DOUDA VILLAGE, Djibouti - A team of U.S. Marines and Soldiers based at Camp Lemonier put the finishing touches to a playground they built for the children of Douda elementary school Aug. 17.
Marine Corps Capt. Garth Massey, of the 4th Provisional Security Company, said the idea to build the playground for the village school two kilometers from camp developed in July after the Marines saw some abandoned fishing boats along the roadside. After a bit of research, the Marines were given an old boat from the Djiboutian navy.

The rest of the article and some more pictures can be found here.

As I was looking through the rest of the site, I saw one old news story marked Commentary, US/French Fam Fire so I clicked on it. As I started reading it, I thought to myself, hmmm, this sounds awfully familiar. I then checked out the byline and to my shock, there was my name. The PAO had asked the XO to chopped it down a bit, which he did. But he added the bit about the cowboy Colt .45, a pistol he has a passion for (watch out Mrs Massey!) He also added a couple of other things to the article. You can my original blog entry here as well as some more photos here. Ahh well, I have not claimed to be writing high art and I will not have to worry about a big career in journalism.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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