Thursday, August 17, 2006

Round Up & Clarification

It has been a very busy week for us. Earlier this week we were at a local school painting its classrooms. We still have a couple more classrooms to complete, when we finish I'll post some pictures. It is a very poor school and we have also been helping with donated supplies.

Today we also finished up another project, we built a playground for the local town of Douda, just south of the Camp. The XO found a small boat and we fixed it up and made it the centerpiece of the playground. There were about a million kids around, all really excited that we were building them the playground. I'll post some pictures with a more detailed description in a bit.

DominicsMom sent me some additional pictures of Dominic & Jocelyn, I'll try and post those soon.

See you soon,

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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