Monday, September 04, 2006

Round Up of Happenings

DominicsMom took Joss to one of her check-ups and she is doing very well. She weighed in at 16 lbs and measured 26.5" in length, putting her in the 50% and 75% categories respectively. She is sitting up on her own (though you have to watch her or she falls over) and can roll over on her own.

DominicsMom attended one of her cousins wedding this weekend and took Dominic & Jocelyn. While Jocelyn was flirting with all they guys (DominicsMom's description, not mine!), Dominic was also having a good time. DominicsMom took him out on the dance floor for a dance, then Dominic hooked up with one of his cousins who is his age and they both were out on the dance floor together. A lot of photos were taken so hopefully I can post a couple within the next couple of days.

Dominic starts pre-school next week. DominicsMom looked around for a bit until she found one she liked. Dominic is excited because they have fish tanks in the school. Hopefully he won't mind DominicsMom leaving him there...

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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