Company Picnic
This last weekend DominicsMom’s work had their company picnic. It was held at the San Marcos Lake at one of the lake side resorts. They put together a really nice picnic with a jumper, face painting, a magician, and other activities for the kids. We also took a boat ride around the lake. We saw some pretty nice houses perched on the shore of the lake as well as a bunch of different water fowl.
There were ducks (of course!) at the lake. I grabbed a hot dog bun and trooped down with the kids to go feed them. The ducks were bedded down under a tree, but when they saw us step off the sidewalk and head towards them, they got up quickly and proceeded to mob us. They were pretty brave and one male even ate a bunch of food out of my and Dominic’s hands. The ducks become so bold that they walked behind and even between us.
The magician was rather amusing. We missed his main show, but he wandered around after and stopped by to visit out little corner. He produced one red sponge-type rabbit out of my hat, and then turned it into two rabbits in Jocelyn’s hands. Dominic and Jocelyn were suitably awed. They were astounded when he turned them into a dozen rabbits in Dominic’s hands – they were multiplying! (Dominic doesn’t get that joke yet.) And then he made them go away. Joss piped up, “Where rabbit go?” We all laughed at that. A minute later into another routine, she asked again, “Where rabbit go?” I think she asked it about 5 times…
We stayed almost the entire time, promptly losing both kids to a late nap when we got home. DominicsMom and I were also wiped out by the sun and we didn’t get much done that evening.

There were ducks (of course!) at the lake. I grabbed a hot dog bun and trooped down with the kids to go feed them. The ducks were bedded down under a tree, but when they saw us step off the sidewalk and head towards them, they got up quickly and proceeded to mob us. They were pretty brave and one male even ate a bunch of food out of my and Dominic’s hands. The ducks become so bold that they walked behind and even between us.
The magician was rather amusing. We missed his main show, but he wandered around after and stopped by to visit out little corner. He produced one red sponge-type rabbit out of my hat, and then turned it into two rabbits in Jocelyn’s hands. Dominic and Jocelyn were suitably awed. They were astounded when he turned them into a dozen rabbits in Dominic’s hands – they were multiplying! (Dominic doesn’t get that joke yet.) And then he made them go away. Joss piped up, “Where rabbit go?” We all laughed at that. A minute later into another routine, she asked again, “Where rabbit go?” I think she asked it about 5 times…
We stayed almost the entire time, promptly losing both kids to a late nap when we got home. DominicsMom and I were also wiped out by the sun and we didn’t get much done that evening.

More pictures later...
Une bien jolie petite fille !
Bonjour de France.
While seeing photographs it looks like you all have enjoyed picnic a lot. Your kids and you are beautiful.
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