Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday we took Dominic to see his classroom and meet his teacher and classmates. Dominic was very excited and enjoyed playing with the toys in the classroom. He found his spot on the floor and he made several new friends.

Today, DominicsMom dropped Dominic off at school for the first time. Here is how it went in her own words:

I dropped Dominic off for his 1st day of Kindergarten this morning. We had met his teacher and a few kids the day before (Meet & Greet). So, when Dominic got there, his new friend Joey found him and they were attached. (Joey likes Dominic). Once all the lunch bags and beach towels were in the wagons, the kids had to get in line to walk to the classroom. Dominic and Joey were in the back. Another kid that Dominic met yesterday, Daniel, was having a rather difficult time. One of the teachers asked Dominic if he could help Daniel. Dominic started walking over with her but, of course, Daniel didn’t want any help at this point. The teacher asked if Dominic would help Daniel later and with a resounding, “Yes!” and nod of his head, my heart swelled with pride for my beautiful boy. After the kids were settled in the classroom, I took a last look before they shut the door. He was already sitting in his spot on the rug and talking and playing with the other kids. I couldn’t be more proud.



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