Friday, May 23, 2008

A New House

Today we close escrow on our new house! We will be moving a few miles up the road into a larger house with a backyard that actually deserves the name. DominicsMom and I are both really excited about it. Dominic doesn't quite get it yet and of course Jocelyn is clueless.

I'll post pictures a bit later.


In other news, I managed to kill Dominic's little Beta fish the other day while cleaning its bowl. The little guy didn't even notice that the bowl was not up on his wall and when I did put the bowl back on the wall, that it was empty.

Yesterday I picked up both kids from day care and made a side trip to the pet store. In front of the store, I looked Dominic in the eye (OK, I had to hold his chin so he would look at me) and told him that I had 'lost' his fish. (I chickened out and didn't tell him directly that I killed it.) I told him that it had slipped out of my fingers and went down the drain.

Dominic replied, "Oh no!" in a pretty worried tone. He had a few questions about why (it was slippery.)

Then I told him we could go buy a new fish right now. Dominic got really excited and ran into the store. Before we went to find a new fish, we had to stop and pet the cats, look at the mice, and some other fish. Then he picked a nice blue Beta fish to replace his old one.




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