Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lets Go Jogging!

Today I actually went for a short jog! Yaay! Pat me on the back...

Anyways, I was planning on taking one of the kids, Joss in the jogging stroller or Dominic on his bike. Dominic decided that he wanted to go with me. He let me know that, "I want to go joggling with Daddy!"

"Joggling?" DominicsMom asked him.

"Yes, joggling!" replied Dominic as he mimed running in place...

Must be that new Olympic sport the Chinese are introducing in this summer's games, jogging through the summer's events while juggling all the politics...


For the record, I took (pushed) Dominic on his trike along Miramar lake while DominicsMom pushed (carried) Jocelyn on her trike. I think DominicsMom may have had the harder workout.



Blogger Perry said...

Actually, joggling is a sport.

It involves running while juggling and there's probably about 800 - 1000 people who do it worldwide.

You can read all about it at Just Your Average Joggler
Perry, 44

5/05/2008 7:55 PM  

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