Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dominic Wakes Up

This morning I had kid duty, in fact I have it all weekend as DominicsMom is out East visiting her sister Laurie. Normally, Jocelyn is the one who wakes up very early on a weekend morning. Today was different as Dominic woke me up around 530. He wanted to know if I wanted to go down with him. I 'reluctantly' told him no (I was up a little to late the night before) and that he could go downstairs by himself if he wanted to.

I hazily recall him leaving the room. About half an hour later, his calls woke me up. I blearily stumbled downstairs and had to start laughing. Dominic was sitting in his seat at the dining table, eating a yogurt. Our little boy had walked down, decided he was a bit hungry, opened the refrigerator, pulled out a yogurt - a big boy Yoplait instead of his normal kiddy Trix yogurt - got a spoon, sat down, opened the yogurt, and begun to eat. He ate about a third of it (Strawberry and white chocolate) and was calling to let me know that he was done. About this time I heard Jocelyn stirring, so I got her up too. I brought her down and after she finished waking up she finished off the rest of the yogurt.

This was the first time Dominic has gone downstairs on his own. And the first time he's pulled out 'breakfast' on his own!



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