Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This afternoon I picked the kids up from day care and drove home, as is becoming our new routine. I pulled Jocelyn out of the car and then walked down the street to our mailbox. Joss insisted on being carried, so I obliged her.

As I walked towards the mailbox, I noticed that she appeared a little upset. So I asked her, "Jocelyn, are you angry?"

"Yeees" she replied quietly.

"Are you angry at Daddy?"

"Yesss" she said again.

"Why are you angry at Daddy?"

"Because..." she said in a very small voice.

I had to stifle a laugh at the way she said it in such a small voice. It was the first time I had heard her use 'because' as a reply, but I am pretty used to it as it is a stock Dominic answer. Try as I might, I could not get a straight answer out of her. So I distracted her with the mail and she was soon off and running. Jocelyn has started to talk a LOT. She will just rattle on and on and on.

I ask how she is doing at school when I pick her up. Today her teacher replied that she is talking a lot more. She is getting more comfortable and starting to open up.


Dominic on the other hand is the typical boy. "What did you do at school?"


Did you play at recess? Yes. Who did you play with? I don't know.

Getting information out of him is like pulling teeth!



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