Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Visit to the La Brea Tar Pits

In late May we visited the La Brea Tar Pits (which aren't in La Brea - go figure). Dominic is wild about dinosaurs (and Transformers and Monster trucks...) and has started to learn about fossil bones, so while La Brea does not have any dinosaurs, they have lots of fossil mammals. Dominic ran from exhibit to exhibit and we had to hold him back so we could read and see everything. Jocelyn had a good time too.

Dominic and DominicsGrandma Pat test the stickiness of the tar.
Here I was trying to take a picture of Joss. But she jumped first...
And here she is again, but I managed to snap the picture before she jumped. See how high the platform is? It's almost as tall as she is!

I have some more photos somewhere. We did see some fossils!



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