Two weeks ago we went to
Legoland and I'll post some pictures a bit later. While we were at Legoland, Dominic saw his favorite,
Thomas the Tank Engine. Of course, Lego has a whole line of Thomas lego sets and when saw the Thomas lego display (a large Thomas the Tank Engine in legos about 4 feet high) at one of the small stores in the park, Dominic decided he had to have one.
A couple tantrums later, some skipped rides, and we were browsing through the final LegoStore on the way out. Dominic saw another Thomas display all the way across the store and before I could say "Bust my buffers!", he had left me behind and made his way to the wall display. He stared at the wall and did that particular little hop & dance that he does when he can't make up his mind. I could just see his thought process:
He knew that we had already said No once, so the large Thomas lego set that he really wanted, he probably couldn't get. But the Percy set was so much smaller, maybe he could get away with that...So he grabbed the Percy box, held it tight against his chest, put on his best pleading face, and said, "Pleaaaaassssseeeee!"
I put on my best Dad voice and said in a very firm manner, "Go ask your Mom!"
Off he went running through the store looking for DominicsMom. She threw me a disgusted look as I tried to look innocent. So he got the Percy lego set (and I was secretly pleased as I used to love Legos as a kid...) As a side effect, Dominic no longer refused to go on any rides and we all got to go on the roller coaster...
Big Percy is now Dominic's favorite toy and he carries him around everywhere. I mean everywhere. He's been into the sandbox, to the park, the store, the bath (three times), and regularly guests at the dinner table. A long forgotten toy, a sled/box of Legos (actually, the
Duplo set of child 3-6 blocks) which is the line of Legos that the
Thomas trains are actually a part of, has made a resurgence. Dominic plays with them non-stop, building Percy a shed, train-wash, water stop, and house. It's really neat to watch him build these structures and add and subtract to them. It's even more fun to watch Josszilla come through and destroy his high flying creations (and Dominic scream in frustration...)
Hopefully Dominic will continue to build and design more Lego masterpieces...