Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Years

I took Dominic up to Portland to see my parents and brother Lee. Lee and Rebecca just had a beautiful baby boy and I wanted to see him before I departed.

We left Thursday morning. Dominic was proudly wearing his backpack in the airport parking lot. (10 seconds after the photo was taken, he shrugged out of it and refused to wear it again, I had to carry it the rest of the way.)

All of my previous training efforts paid off as Dominic sat quietly the whole plane ride to Portland, watching his videos. After a bit, he did get tired of them and I let him take them off, but he was wonderful on both flights. All you prospective Moms & Dads, take this as a lesson, buy a portable DVD player! (Its also great when something good is on TV, but he wants to watch a video...I did get in a bit of trouble with DominicsMom, but I got to see the game.)

Dominic's Nana and Papa picked us up at the airport. Both were very happy to see him. They had a surprise for him when he arrived at the house, Thomas! There were lots of tracks and trains for him to play with. He had an absolute ball playing with them and spent most of his time with them. DominicsDad had a lot of fun setting up the track in different ways, I even had a triple-layer bridge/tunnel going!

There were other things to do at Nana's house. There was a tent & tunnel playset and Dominic had a great time running through them. He liked it when DominicsDad got stuck in the tunnel...

Our visit to Portland was too short, but it was fun. We both got to see baby Cole. Dominic was very interested in him and was always pointing and saying 'Cole'.


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