Sunday, November 13, 2005

Guest Post

DominicsMom & DominicsDad have both been on vacation, visiting Uncle Andy & Auntie Laurie in Norway. Unfortunately, Dominic was left at home. But he agreed to do a couple of guest posts to let us know how he's doing:

Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Sunday - I was very sad when I woke up and you were not home. I missed you. I fussed a bit and needed my binkie. Nana gave me my binkie and I said please" and "thank you Nana". Nana was not feeling good but she held me a lot. I liked that. Nana read to me too. I gave her my favorite books to read. I did not eat much for breakfast, just had a little toast and 3 strawberries. For lunch, I had - I cannot remember what I had for lunch. I had edaname and milk for dinner. I did not want to eat but I had lots of juice all day. I cried the entire bathtime. I missed you. nana read me my favorite books and i went to sleep. She said I was a good boy. I gave her a kiss and she gave me my binkie after I said "please Nana"

Monday - I woke up at 8:00 and Nana took me to Leonie's. I had fun there. At noon, Nana picked me up. I ran to Nana when I saw her and Nana was so pleased she kissed me and kissed me. I thought she'd never let me go. I napped in my bed. I did not wake up until 4:00, and had three pieces of pears for my snack. I love pears. I like them not too ripe or too hard and very sweet. For dinner I had scrambled eggs. I ate all my eggs, all the edaname, and tater tots. Nana said I ate very good. I had lots of juice too and had my poo-poo - almost as big as a baseball, Nana said. Ouch!

Tuesday - I woke up at 7:30 and had my scrambled eggs. I ate all of it, a piece of toast and lots of cantaloupe. I was proud of myself and nana was too. We were going to the zoo when you and Daddy called. I listened very hard to everything you said. I was very sad and I missed you. Nana gave me my binkie and I said "thank you". She kissed me a lot. We went to the zoo. I loved the ducks. I saw a big elephant and the elephant poo-poo - huge. I also saw the rhino and the panda bear as well as kaola bears. they were sleeping a lot. I did not have my binkie the whole time I was at the zoo. I was very good. We had a corndog and fries for lunch and I was avery good boy, Nana said. I did not fuss and did not have my binkie. I sat in my stroller or I walked a lot. nana picked me up to see the animals too. I ate blueberries until they were gone. At 1:00 we left the zoo. nana gave me my binkie and I slept all the way home. I did not get up until 4:00 and had more pears for a snack. Then Nana went to the store to pick up fried chicken for dinner and we picked up Daddy's clothes from the cleaners. When Nana wanted to put me in the car I did to want to go in. I took Nana's hand and pointed to Starbuck's and took her there. I have been to Starbucks before and they have good cookies. I remember "Starbucks very well. Nana let me choose my dessert and I chose a mini brownie cupcake. Nana was tickled when I dragged her to Starbucks. I had my sweet knowing smile on my face when I took her there. I'm smart, aren't I? But I cried during bathtime. I missed you. But after Nana read my favorite books I went to bed My nose was dribbling a lot since Monday and I had trouble going to sleep so Nana gave me a little dimetabb. I slept good then. Nana said I was very good all day. We had fun.

Wednesday - I woke up at 7:00 this morning and I had waffles - one and a half waffles. I like them. I had lots of cantaloupes too. I did not want the strawberries. Nana and I did coloring - me especially - I colored for you and Daddy - put lots of kisses stickers on Mommy's and none for Daddy. I playe with playdoh and nana made a stack of playdoh balls. At 9:15 nana took me to the new park. When I saw we were going to Leonie's I fussed because i did not want to go there but nana was only going to the park. When we got to the park, Nana took the binkie away adn I chased the birds. I went downt he steepiest slide, nana pushed me on the high swings and the baby swing but my favorite is the teeter-totter. I love that and I had a great time. We stayed at the park for more than an hour and then we went to the icecream store. Guess what Mommy and Daddy - I had ice cream for lunch. It was wonderful. nana said it was my special treat. I've been a very good boy. It's 3:36 and I'm still sleeping. I'll write to you again.

I love you, Mommy and Daddy


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