Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Baking Brownies

Dominic and DominicsMom made brownies this last weekend. The little guy was a big help. He put the water and the oil into the bowl. He also helped stir the mix. DominicsMom let him taste the brownie mix, so he oh so carefully placed the tip of his finger into the brownie mix and then took a taste. He decided that he wanted seconds and put his whole finger into the bowl. DominicsMom had to hold him back after that.

Once the mix was into the pan and in the oven, DominicsMom gave him the spoon to lick. In short order he had brownie mix all over himself, there was even chocolate in his eyebrow and on his nose. Once he was done he walked into the living room where DominicsMom had to drag him back to clean him up.

He likes to eat the brownies too!


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