Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tucked into Bed

Dominic has finally learned the use of a blanket. His first winter, he was too little and he didn't like to use a blanket at night. He would roll around, get tangled, and then scream bloody murder until we untangled him. During the summer it was too warm to use one. Now that it is finally starting to turn a bit cold, he actually has started to want to use a blanket. At night, he will reach for one hanging on the side of his crib and pull it over him. Usually, it will end up under him but on occasion it will make it through the night on top of him.

The last week or so, he has started grabbing the extra blanket we leave on the bed (DominicsMom uses it to support her belly when she sleeps on her side.) He first has me put the blue pillow on the bed for him. He then sits in it, grabs the blue blanket (gotta be the blue blanket...), and then pulls it up to his chin. Really cute! He then lets us read to him until it is time to go to bed. Here are a couple of pictures:

By the way, Nana made the blanket for him, its really soft!

Dominics Dad


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