Sunday, September 11, 2005

Birthday Party

The D-man celebrated his second birthday Saturday afternoon. Nana, DominicsMom, and myself took him up to Grandma & Grandpa's house for his birthday. DominicsMom actually drove up Friday evening (taking 2 1/2 hrs, fighting LA traffic the whole way.) Nana & I drove him up in my Mustang Saturday morning. This short trip reinforced my desire to sell the Mustang (breaks my heart!) and purchase a four-door sedan of some sort, but that is a story for another post...

Dominic started the party early, playing with the decorations. He dragged around some of the balloons and ran around the house. We had to keep him occupied before everyone showed up, so I took him out the front door. He walked around the cars a bit and then I tried to take him in. He would have nothing to do with it, he wanted to stay outside. So I let him guide me back around and into the garage. He had seen one of his gifts, a Thomas train he could sit on and ride. So he got that one early...

We had family and friends come by and Dominic had a wonderful time playing with the other kids. He knew it was his day as he ran around the house. When it was time to sing Happy Birthday to him, he suddenly became shy and hid his face. The first gift he opened was a new Thomas video and it was very difficult to keep him in my lap to open the rest of the presents. He wanted to try out the new video NOW! Kelly and Megan were immense helps, bringing new gifts and helping Dominic open the one in front of him.

Thank you to all who came and to all who could not be there.



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