We spent Christmas up at the Chiappetta's this year. All had a great time. Dominic loves Grandpa Frank's electric train. He would play with his other toys, but he always dragged us back to the train, he could watch it for hours. He wasn't so sure about the milk train as it made a bit of noise when it placed the milk jugs on the platform, but he loved to watch it go round and hear its whistle. Dominic got lots of Thomas the Tank Engine stuff again and he was thrilled.
Christmas Eve was spent at Teri & Joe's for a party. Dominic discovered the fireplace sweep and carried it around everywhere, I think he had too much eggnog...

Christmas Eve was spent at Teri & Joe's for a party. Dominic discovered the fireplace sweep and carried it around everywhere, I think he had too much eggnog...

Grandpa Frank gives Dominic goldfish crackers from his stocking.

Just a cute Christmas morning photo.
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