I'm in sooooo much trouble... Jocelyn is going to be trouble when she gets a little bit older. DominicsMom is trouble enough, but Joss will be worse. (Did I say that out loud?)
We haven't bought or received a lot of girl-specific toys for Jocelyn, most baby toys that she received were just that, baby toys and they rarely differentiated between boy and girl babies. As she has gotten older, she has started to acquire more dolls and other 'girl' stuff. For the most part, she rarely played with her dolls, preferring to play with Dominic's trains and cars, as well as certain (cat) stuffed animals. However, Joss did receive a little doll at Dominics birthday party and she really took to it, carrying it around and feeding it with her bottle (and sometimes from Penelope's food bowl.) But beyond that, she does not play with too many other girlie toys.
She has shown her girly side in other ways. One day, DominicsGrandma Pat & Grandpa Frank came by and gave her an outfit. She was soooo excited to get it, holding it up to her body to 'check its fit'... I wonder where she got that from. Today, DominicsMom brought down a shoe box containing new shoes for Dominic (Joss had already received her new shoes weeks ago). Joss became really excited when she saw the box and once she saw the shoes inside, she lunged for them, grabbed them away from DominicsMom, and tried to put them on her feet. When DominicsMom had to take them away to put them on Dominic (so they could go outside), she became very upset and began to pout... I am
soooo screwed when she gets a little bit older and begins to pick out her own clothes... She can pick out whatever she wants, as long as it is from the Salvation Army store.
Oh yeah, besides the fixation on clothes and shoes, she has started to pout. It's actually quite cute as she crosses her arm, lowers her chin, squints her eyes, and screws up her face into a little pout. It sort of reminds us of what Dominics friend Brianna does when she is angry. Joss can't keep it up too long as I usually tickle her out of it.
Joss also has a few other things that she does now. When she gets scolded, she puts her arm over her face, covering her eyes (just like Dominic) and tries to look sad. We can usually see her peeking out from underneath her arms and she starts to giggle right away.
When she sees something funny, she covers her mouth with both hands, bends over a bit, and giggles...just like DominicsMom sometimes does. If she sees something somewhat surprising or unusual, she draw in a deep breath, lowers her chin, and tightens her shoulders, you have to see it as it is cute. Dominic did this one also, but has pretty much grown out of it.
Joss has very quickly picked up a lot of different mannerisms in the space of a month and is always entertaining us. I'll try to post some pictures videos soon.