Monday, October 20, 2008

Potty Training (Uh Ohs)

Jocelyn has had her hits and misses as we finish our first week of no diapers. She has had only a few accidents at home or at school when it comes to making pee pee. However, things have not been as smooth for #2. The last two days in a row she has had a smelly accident (and I mean smelly, I had to help clean up one of them.) Today Joss did tell us that she had to go potty and she did sit down on her potty. There was a lot of "Going potty Daddy!" But there was also a lot of playing and getting up and down. I think she feels the urge, but gets distracted as she sits on her potty. Something we will have to work on...

Here's a random shot of the cutie from the Miramar Air Show. I think that she's jumping...



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