Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Potty Training (Continued)

We are continuing our efforts to potty train Jocelyn. Previously we've tried to get her used to the idea of going potty in the toilet, but left her in diapers. Her pre-school teachers have told us that she uses the potty for them regularly and that her diaper is always dry, even after a nap.

So this last weekend we decided to take the plunge, put her in underwear, and ditch the diapers. This is a pretty big (ok I can't spell momentuous) milestone in her potty training as once you get rid of the diapers, you are not supposed to go back. If you do it too early, lots of 'Clean up on Aisle Kitchen!'

Well, she has done very well. It helps that she is really excited to wear real underwear and she really likes the Dora the Explorer underwear (I never got any Underroo's when I was a kid!) We had a couple of accidents the first day and she had one the first day back at school, but overall it has been a success. She was perfect at school on Tuesday and had one accident on Wednesday. Joss often will let us know when she has to go, but we still drag her into the bathroom on the hour (sometimes kicking and screaming). This morning she sat on the pot for 10 minutes and did nothing, but she went for us twice this evening.

So we are very pleased with her progress and we hope that in a week or so we won't have to remind her every hour. We will keep everyone updated!



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