Sunday, October 19, 2008

Learning Baseball

This weekend completed the fourth week that Dominic has participated in the Jr Sports program. He just finished up the second of two weeks of baseball and he seemed to really like it. The instructors do a good job teaching the basics. Dominic was never very good at throwing a ball as he tended to side-arm it a lot, causing the ball to fly in unpredictable directions. The Master Sports coach has him throwing relatively straight already! Catching is another matter and some of the other concepts haven't quite sunk in yet...

Here's Dominic taking a swing at the ball and then running the bases. Sort of...

Dominic and I played some ball today in our backyard (yay!) and I worked with him on his throwing, catching, and base running. He still needs a reminder that it's ok to run, but at least he goes around all the bases without stopping. He continues to progress with his throwing and some of his tosses actually had some good speed. When we started, his catching was pretty bad, perhaps he caught 1 in 5 tosses to him (and they were tosses, very slow, under hand right into his hands.) So we tried with his glove for a bit and then went ok. Then we went back to bare hands and after awhile he really showed some improvement, catching about every third toss.

Next week is football with the Jr Sport program - should be interesting!



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