Tuesday, February 28, 2006

More Jocelyn Photos

By request...I was going to do it anyways, but the grandparents beat me to it! Today is her one week anniversary!

Pre-Jocelyn Photos

Here are some unpublished pre-Jocelyn photos. DominicsAunt Laurie took most of these photos, I'm just stealing them.

Dominic has a new trick, he likes to walk backwards into his sandbox as he enjoys falling back into it. As a result, you may be able to see that a lot of sand has migrated from the box to the bricks.

Dominic likes to go to the new park near us as it has a lot of different activities he can do. He loves to ride the See-Saw. Here he is with DominicsMom on one end. You may be able to notice that she isn't very mobile at this point in time. Dominic loves it when he is at one end and I'm at the other, as I can bounce him off his seat and his little bum will get some air. He loves it and just laughs....
Here, Dominic & I walk out of the park. I liked the way this one turned out.
Later, we all went to Fudrucker's for burgers and fries and of course Dominic just ate his fries. DominicsAunt Laurie actually took this photo of the three of us, but DominicsMom was a bit out of the center. So I cropped her out. (Please don't tell her.) I did leave her fist in the frame. See honey, you are still in the photo!!!
Aunt Laurie & DominicsMom.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Welcome Jocelyn!

Welcome Jocelyn Christine! She was born at 11:43pm on 21 Feb, 2006, weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz and measuring 21 inches. Both she and DominicsMom are doing well. Both came home Friday afternoon, much to the relief of Dominic.

He missed DominicsMom and DominicsDad terribly. He visited DominicsMom a couple of times in the hospital, and there were always fireworks when I had to drag him out, kicking and screaming. When DominicsMom got home, he didn't let her out of his sight. He has taken a liking to baby Jocelyn, touching and petting her gently and administering numerous kisses.

We have a few funny stories about Dominc and Jocelyn. Dominic has exhibited a funny/worrying trait although. When we have visitors and it becomes time for them to leave, he is quick to wave good bye to them and give them good by hugs. However, he has started to wave good bye to Jocelyn! He must hope that someone takes her back home with them.

We have started to get out all of Dominic's old baby chairs and toys. He must remember them because he has really enjoyed playing with them again. He has spent more time in the vibrating chair than Jocelyn has. DominicsAunt Laurie has some great photos and we hope that she shares them with us!! I'll post them if she does (she will, I'm just writing it here to remind her to do so!) ;-)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

ILOC Photos

The Zoo III

The Zoo II

The Zoo I

Some photos:

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Long Weekend

Finally, I get a full weekend! DominicsMom and I decided to make the most of it and we went to the San Diego Zoo. Dominic loves the petting zoo and he made a beeline directly to it. He was pointing out the pigs and going "Oink Oink!", the goats and the sheep. They even had some minature horses and he was doing his best "Neighhhh!" impression. As he was wondering around, DominicsMom was sitting outside, resting her feet. Dominic approached the gate, made a come here gesture to her and kept repeating "Come! Come!" Dominic wanted her to join him! On the way out we saw a fox. We had taught Dominic what a fox looks like only the night before and were teaching him how to say 'fox'. He didn't quite get it right last night. So today, he sees the fox and pronounces it as best as he can, really loudly, "Foc! Foc!" We quickly left...

After that we went through the Ituri Forest exhibit. He liked the monkees, but he really like the alligator exhibit. Not because of all the alligators, but because of all the fish in their tank. When he saw the tank, he made me put him down whereupon he took off throught he crowd, weaving and dodging all the adults and bigger kids. Unfortunately, he was so small he did get knocked down by one guy. The guy quickly picked Dominic up and put him on his feet (I was trying to make my way through the crowd and catch him!) As he did so, Dominic started twisting and throwing his arms around, trying to get back on his feet and make his way to the tank. Both of us had a good laugh at Dominic's fierce determination to get to the tank. He stayed by the tank, pointing and saying "Fish! Fish!" He made quite the scene when we took him away.

Dominic had a great time at the zoo and as we left we saw a peacock. Dominic was really impressed!

This week's ILOC training went well. We did some more MG shooting, both from fixed positions on the ground and from the top of HMMWV's and 7-ton trucks. The Marines really enjoyed it as they had the chance to shoot a lot of rounds. Next week we have our final Field Exercise (FEX) where we try to put everything together. Stu Segall Studios is providing the actors and pyrotechnics for the FEX. When something is supposed to go boom, like a VBIED (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device, i.e., a car bomb), it will really go boom. It should be a good test, I'll try to take some photos.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

ILOC Training

Our Intermediate Location (ILOC) training has been going well. The Marines are doing a lot shooting and receiving lots of classes. We are approaching our deployment date, although they have not given us a specific one. All in all it has been a good training package to prepare us for the next 7 months:

As we do more cool stuff, I'll try to keep everyone informed!

Pictures of Dominic

Wow, it has been awhile since I've posted. I've been very busy with our pre-deployment training and helping out DominicsMom around the house when I'm home. She is almost at full term and our little girl should be born any time. But DominicsMom has trouble doing some of the things around the house, so there has not been a lot of time for posting. But here are some pics:

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