Monday, December 04, 2006

Cat Scratching

Tonight, we were getting Dominic ready for bed when he saw the cat, Penelope, scratching herself on her ear with her hind leg. He was enthralled... DominicsMom and I listened to Dominic say, "Scratching, scratching, scratching" for a full 20 seconds. Then DominicsMom started to laugh and I turned around. Dominic had grabbed his foot and was rubbing it up against his head! It was pretty funny to watch him 'scratching'. He kept scratching for a minute, then got off the bed to see the cat.

A few minutes later, I was lying on the bed, innocently mind you, when Dominic climbed onto the bed, stood up, and put his foot up on my ear. He was trying to scratch my head! Well, I put a stop to it quickly and then DominicsMom suggested, "Scratch Daddy's butt!" (Ah, the things we teach that little guy.) So he promptly began to rub my rear with his foot...

I'm currently working on all of the Thanksgiving and Christmas party photos...I'm falling behind! Here is a cute picture of Jocelyn to hold everyone.



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