Sunday, November 19, 2006


A couple of updates.

First, Valour IT has completed their drive (but it is never too late to donate!) and met their goals.

We took Dominic to meet Thomas the Tank Engine this weekend and he had a blast, I'll post pictures and details later.

I also have a ton of pictures when Grandpa Tom and Nana visited, I have to post those soon!

Joss is doing well, she is crawling really well (and is slowly working up to Cole's speed!) She is also pulling herself up to her feet at a table or chair, so her horizons have really opened up recently. She absolutely loves to pulls stuff off of the table. She also loves to follow Dominic around the room. She now gets a lot more "No Joss!" from Dominic, he's always keeping an eye on her to keep her out of trouble (or out of his stuff!)

I've finally caught up to the latest technology in blogging, video! Thanks to YouTube, it is easy to embed links to video in your blog. Below is my first stab at adding video to the blog. Just click on the picture (some times it takes 2 separate clicks) and it should begin streaming a video to you. This one is short video and should not take too long, even for those with slow connections.



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