A Reply from DominicsUncle Lee
Thanks for posting all those pictures on the blog! Love the pic of Dominic & Joc in costume with sucker in mouth. Both pics of the 3 kids are awesome. That photo session reminds me of the Calvin and Hobbes comic where they couldn't get Calvin to sit still... Now we are forewarned...even though Cole and Joc are smiling now for pictures, it won't always be that way. Thanks for posting the picture of me looking REALLY gay. Rebecca couldn't stop laughing. At first she was shocked, then she looked at me funny, then decided I was actually straight but somehow came out looking flaming and couldn't stop laughing until tears were flowing. (My tears, that is. And they didn't stop until I went and brewed a cuppa Mint Delight and ate a
I always love how you get great shots of Dominic in a rich looking pumpkin patch. The one we went to up here was a little disappointing. The patch was sparse (we probably came too late in the season), and when we set Cole down, all he wanted to do was look down, grab dirt and play with it. Almost all of our pictures are of him grubbing around in the dirt with a couple solitary pumkpins scattered around.
He did send us another cute picture of the kids:
This is not quite the family photo that Nana is thinking about, but the riot of color definitely has to be seen to be believed!