Back on the Air
We are back! It has been a busy month with lots of things going on. DominicsMom is struggling with a new accounting program at work (but doing well!), I moved from my office to sit over with our customer full time and took on some more responsibility, plus we we are bidding on a new contract and I participated on the orals portion of the proposal (lots of time practicing and lots of stress!) DominicsGrandpa Frank and Grandma Pat gave me a Nintendo Wii for my birthday (more on that later!) Dominic got married !!!three times!!! at his after school day care. And Joss is just Joss (she's been asking to go to Disneyland again...)
Dominic really likes the Wii. One of the things that you do is make your Mii (an avatar which can be used in some Wii games.) Dominic really enjoyed picking out all the parts that makes a Mii, the head shape, hair fashion & color, sun glasses, etc. One of the thing you can choose is body height. Of course his Mii is a little short...
The Wii also comes with some basic sports games and we all had fun trying them out. Dominic really likes the boxing game and he is the undisputed champ in the house. I've beaten him once, but the last time I played him, he knocked my character down 3 times and then knocked me out in the second (of three) round. Pretty bad on my part... Dominic's character is pretty hard to hit and I think part of it is because his Mii character is short. The other part is that he moves his arms at about 120 blows per second, preventing anyone from getting a punch in. He also likes to move around and he sometimes gets in my way. So I have to watch him and then stop and move when he gets in my way. It wouldn't be kosher if I hit him and laid him out flat. (DominicsMom might get a little upset...) The only thing that did temporarily derail his boxing career was when he punched the TV screen. That got his boxer disqualified and the Wii turned off for the evening (lots of crying and "Hold me!!" tears.)
Then I bought the Lego Star Wars game which was on sale. That is now his favorite game.
The other day I was helping Jocelyn get into her PJ's. First I had to lotion her up so that her eczema would not bother her too much. I put her PF top on over her head and then turned around to put the lotion away. Joss had gotten one arm in and was working on the other, but it was a bit of a struggle as the lotion kept her arm from sliding smoothly through the sleeve. As I moved to help her, she exclaimed, "Come on!" in a loud, slightly frustrated tone.
I know my jaw dropped for a moment, and then I started to laugh. She sounded exactly like DominicsMom when SHE gets frustrated! The things they pick up!
Dominic really likes the Wii. One of the things that you do is make your Mii (an avatar which can be used in some Wii games.) Dominic really enjoyed picking out all the parts that makes a Mii, the head shape, hair fashion & color, sun glasses, etc. One of the thing you can choose is body height. Of course his Mii is a little short...
The Wii also comes with some basic sports games and we all had fun trying them out. Dominic really likes the boxing game and he is the undisputed champ in the house. I've beaten him once, but the last time I played him, he knocked my character down 3 times and then knocked me out in the second (of three) round. Pretty bad on my part... Dominic's character is pretty hard to hit and I think part of it is because his Mii character is short. The other part is that he moves his arms at about 120 blows per second, preventing anyone from getting a punch in. He also likes to move around and he sometimes gets in my way. So I have to watch him and then stop and move when he gets in my way. It wouldn't be kosher if I hit him and laid him out flat. (DominicsMom might get a little upset...) The only thing that did temporarily derail his boxing career was when he punched the TV screen. That got his boxer disqualified and the Wii turned off for the evening (lots of crying and "Hold me!!" tears.)
Then I bought the Lego Star Wars game which was on sale. That is now his favorite game.
The other day I was helping Jocelyn get into her PJ's. First I had to lotion her up so that her eczema would not bother her too much. I put her PF top on over her head and then turned around to put the lotion away. Joss had gotten one arm in and was working on the other, but it was a bit of a struggle as the lotion kept her arm from sliding smoothly through the sleeve. As I moved to help her, she exclaimed, "Come on!" in a loud, slightly frustrated tone.
I know my jaw dropped for a moment, and then I started to laugh. She sounded exactly like DominicsMom when SHE gets frustrated! The things they pick up!
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