Dominic just celebrated his 4th birthday this weekend. Dominic was excited the whole week leading up to his birthday party. He couldn't wait to see his friends, eat some cake, and open some presents. So he ate a little chicken, a lot of cake, and opened a lot of presents (thank you to all!)
Dominic blows out the candles on his cake.
Dominic gets some help from Garrett opening a present.

It is hard to believe that four years ago I returned from Iraq (the day before Dominic was born!) Time sure has flown... And it is hard to believe that it has only been one year since I returned from Djibouti, this time on Dominic's birthday.
DominicsMom and I gave Dominic his first bicycle. We gave him a 16" Hot Wheels bike, some assembly required. Yeah, right. Thankfully I had DominicsMom handy and she helped me out of a couple of spots as the 'detailed assembly instructions' were anything but. I finished putting the bike together in the early afternoon on the day after his birthday party. Dominic was really excited to check it out (I had to chase him away a few times as I put it together.)
So once it was done, we had to take it out for a spin...
Dominic checks his feet again.
What a great expression!

Check out the tongue! He is concentrating hard!

Dominic did pretty well for his first time on a bike. He has always done well on his trike, but the bike is a lot bigger and heavier and he did have some problems pedaling in the right direction, but he's getting the hang of it. Later that day we met Brianna at the 'Big Park' and he rode his bike there. He's getting to be such a big boy!