Thursday, April 19, 2007

Easter 2007

We had another great Easter this year. Dominic really understood going around and hunting for eggs and he had a blast doing so. The last time I saw him hunt eggs (2 years ago & he was only 18 months), he was a bit too young and needed a lot of help. Joss is still too young, so she missed out. However, both of them received nice Easter baskets.
Dominic hunts for Easter eggs. He found them all this year! He made a cute humming noise as he scooted from one egg to another.

Here he shows off his catch!

Joss looks cute all dressed up for Easter Brunch!

This year we went to DominicsAunt Terri's & Uncle Joe's for the traditional Easter brunch. DominicsCousin Michelle was there.Dolly is a relatively recent addition to the household (at least this is the first that I've seen her.) She's a nice dog with a good disposition and some really sharp teeth.
Dominics a brave kid to get that close to those sharp teeth.

Dominic sits with DominicsCousin Aiden as they both munch on a sweet roll.

As always, DominicsGreatGrandma Amy looks great!


Caption Contest

Here's a cute picture of Jocelyn and Dominic peering at a Thomas the Tank Engine catalog (they both love looking at it...) DominicsMom and I had a great time coming up with captions for it, so we decided to open up the floor to see what you can come up with! DominicsMom started it with her favorite caption. Use the comments box (click on comments below this post) to leave your caption!
"I want this one for Christmas!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some cute photos

Here are a few cute photos of the kids:

Both Dominic and Joss like to play in our sandbox. The other day Joss was sitting inside it and Dominic was standing behind her. As I watched, he moved sand from one pile to another, using his shovel. After a bit, he adjusted his position and the path of the shovel began to cross over Joss. I told Dominic to be careful and not to dump any sand on Joss. So he shifted over a little... That lasted for only a couple of minutes and once again the shovel crossed over Joss. Before I could say anything, a lot of sand slipped off the shovel onto Jocelyn's back. As I looked on in horrified astonishment, the sand continued to slip down her back to her diaper. As she was leaning forward, the sand poured into her diaper and down her little baby butt crack...

Yeah, that one was a fun one to clean up...

As Dominic has gotten older, his temper tantrums have gotten worse (but never too bad.) When the little devil does not get something that he wants, he is apt to sit down, pout, and ignore anything that we say. He has continued to refine his act, adding crossed arms and refusing to meet our gaze. Nothing we said or did could get him to open up until we caved or he eventually realized we would not give in. Such is life with a 3 year old!

Lately, he has added something new to his repertoire... Dominic has begun to squint and give us the evil eye while crossing his arms. We are not really sure where he picked that up, probably at preschool. The combination of crossed arms and deadly stares is actually quite comical coming from the little guy and I have to really fight to keep from laughing (something the psychos, I mean psychologists, say about building their self esteem...)

After this last close-up picture, Dominic dissolved into giggles and all was well. He mugged for a couple more shots and then left the table to play.


Stuffing Your Face

Jocelyn has been feeding herself for quite some time now. She enjoys using a fork (we have to put the food on it still) and gets quite mad if we cut the food up too small. She enjoys chewing on it and likes to eat it like we do. However, Joss has started doing something that we don't do. She likes to stuff a big bite into her mouth, particularily if its something a bit soft, like a banana...

And then she got a little crazy:


Friday, April 13, 2007

Quick Update

Once again, I've let two weeks go by without making a post. Below is a sneak peak at some of the new photos and what is going on in Dominic's World!

Two weeks ago we went to the zoo again. Here are two of the many photos that I took:

There are more meerkat photos coming! With babies!
I'm working at cataloging the rest of the zoo photos as well as a bunch of photos from Easter. Hopefully I can post the rest early next week.
DominicsUncle Andy and Aunt Laurie are in town visiting with baby Jake! Dominic was really excited to see little Jake. Jake was a bundle of smiles and he seemed to really like watching Dominic and Jocelyn. Hopefully he doesn't pick up too many bad habits from them!

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