Sunday, April 05, 2009

No Way!

Tonight I helped the kids make brownies. They both helped me crack an egg, pour the water and oil, stir the bowl, and of course lick off the stirring spoon. (I have some good photos that I'll post later.)

An agonizing (for them) 28 minutes later, the brownies were done baking. As both kids ate an Ok dinner, we gave them a decent sized piece of brownie and then we all sat around the table to eat. Dominic didn't just inhale his, but he vacuumed it up. It was Gone in 60 Seconds and Gone With the Wind... Jocelyn of course, took her time, leaving Dominic to stare lovingly at her plate. After pleas for more fell on my deaf ears, he turned to Jocelyn to beg for for. "Please Jossy!"

Her answer was classic: "No way Jose'!" DominicsMom and I burst out laughing at that turn of phrase. Dominic looked sad, so Joss relented and gave him a small piece (really a large crumb.) She then wagged her index finger at him and said, "No more for you!" with such determination!

Dominic was happy for a bit with that extra little taste, but he was soon back to begging for more. Joss is a good girl and soon relented, giving him a couple more large crumbs...but then hers was gone too...


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